

What is the chronologie des médias?

Why does the French cinema need protection and how can it be adapted to this brave new world? The chronologie des médias is a french system of releasing films. It sets a rigid timescale from...

How do I become a screenwriter?

You can upload your project directly to Boostyourfilm. But what did people do before? Attending networking events could put you in the way of movers and shakers Getting a job in the industry will...

The independent feature film is almost extinct, says Nick Broomfield

The shelf life of independent feature films is coming to an end, claims Nick Broomfield Independent films are going the way of the dinosaur and the future is looking bleak, according to Nick Broomfield. The documentary...

The Shape of Water or A Type of Plagiarism: five famous film imitations

When does paying homage become plagiarism? Boostyourfilm looks at five famous films that are closely associated with others. Imitation is said to be the best form of flattery. But when does this cross the line...
Review: Marvin ou la belle éducation - Anne Fontaine

Review: Marvin ou la belle éducation – Anne Fontaine

Marvin ou la belle éducation is Anne Fontaine's failed adaptation of Edouard Louis' brilliant novel A great starting point for a good film is having a good story to tell. Edouard Louis had a fantastic story...

Netflix poll finds that users watch content on the toilet

Netflix poll finds that users miss bus stops, stream at work and catch up on their favourite programmes while on the bog Netflix has released some of the murky secrets of its subscribers. It seems...
French streaming towards subscription video on demand

French are streaming towards subscription video on demand

Subscription video on demand use has grown 40% over the past year in France. France is in the midst of a subscription-driven video on demand explosion, according to a survey by Médiamétrie.  It found that more...

How to get 15 million subscribers on Youtube

Enchufetv, a comedy channel on the internet, came out of nowhere to become a reference in Latin America Here are some keys to its success that the creators of the internet channel enchufetv have shared in...
Boost Your Film Project

Boostyourfilm Project

Do you have a compelling screenplay? It’s simple: upload your script with a tagline and a synopsis. Tease your project. You have a short film, video or a show-reel? Publish it! Or record your pitch, present your project. All...

Boostyourfilm Selection