ORBS – Script / Screenplay

“Orbs” is written along the lines of films such as “Skinwalker Ranch” ad “Extraterrestrial”.

The story is about a German farmer named Heimbrecht, who is trying to figure out the mystery hidden behind the livestock mutilation which happened several time in his farm. The last of his foals has been abducted by a mysterious brightness and he runs for it with the rifle ready in his hands.

Meanwhile a heartbreaking lady, Tania, gets kidnapped by a criminal, Chavez, who forces her to drive him with her car to escape from a police patrol, driven by officers Luca and Simone. The race ends on a dirt road, where a black mass falls from the sky blocking the passage. The police patrol reaches them. After Chavez has been handcuffed, the officers approach the black mass of the size of a foal’s body. Suddenly Heimbrecht appears jumping from a tree. All eyes of them get up to the sky, where a light ball is suspended just above them. Heimbrecht shoots at it rousing the fury of the light ball. The five of them are now forced to run into their cars and try to survive the light ball attack. We’ll they be able to face the threat and discover the mystery behind the light ball’s appearance?


An Original Screenplay by Cesare Massaini

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Stealing Spielberg – Script / Screenplay

A prison inmate who happens to resembles Steven Spielberg spends 20 years behind bars studying the film director. Once released from prison, the felon and his partners in crime then begin to put their plan to work.

“Stealing Spielberg” is written along the lines of a 1948 films “Hollow Triumph” where a released prison inmate impersonates a famous psychiatrist. In my screenplay, a prisoner who happens to resemble Spielberg spends 20 years behind bars studying the film director. Once released from prison, the felon and his partners in crime then begin to put their plan to use.

Creative notes: Of course I know the weight of Steven Spielberg and I don’t think he will be upset. He might even get a laugh or two from the script. Mr. Spielberg is an artist, just as a lot of us are. He is a cultural icon and this is really no skin off his back. It is done totally in good taste. And, they say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. Just read the script and you won’t be so angry.

Stealing Spielberg

An Original Screenplay by Alan Nafzger

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An FBI science adviser uses a visible shadowing technique against the Mafia but after initial success, he encounters an unsolvable problem.

PhD in Sociology, Steve Murray unexpectedly starts to work for the FBI. He offers a new strategy to eliminate the Mafia (a visible shadowing), trains his team and begins to execute the “Permanent shadowing” project. The first suspect – Barbara the prostitute hands over her supplier, the ex-boxer Bruce, but her surveillance continues. She suffers from depression. Barbara shows a striptease and tries to commit suicide but she is rescued, testifies and agrees to witness in the court. The second suspect – Bruce cannot endure the permanent shadowing. He hands over his supplier – a gangster Fred as well. Fred kidnaps Steve’s colleague’s daughter but Steve intimidates him and releases the girl. A chief of the Mafia – Herbert Walsh kidnaps Steve. He threatens to kill Steve’s girlfriend but, on the other hand, offers Steve a fine career. Steve doesn’t agree for collaboration but after this meeting Fred is killed, the project is finished without results and Steve takes position as a vice-director of the FBI.

Creative notes: I had a similar experience (a visible shadowing) in my life in the USSR.


An Original Screenplay by Jacob Greenberg

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A Furtive Response – Script / Screenplay

A couple seperated by the loss of a child live a distant existence until a unifying secret is accidentally revealed.

Short film, low budget, limited location with a small cast.

A Furtive Response ©

An Original Screenplay by Anthony Cawood

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Breadcrumbs – Script / Screenplay

Alec, an aspiring writer, seeks to know more information about his sister’s sudden death, when he finds out things aren’t exactly how they seem.

Alec, who was once full of passion, is now on a strict writer’s block due to his sister’s mysterious death. Out of ideas, he decides to deploy an experiment to finding her; writing her death as fiction, and co-writing with another author who might have insight as to where the “story” might have lead to. This leads Alec to a mysterious figure “Cavallero” who is exactly and inexactly the man he’s looking for. It’s through him that his eyes are opened, and he finds out who he trusts and whose deceived him.


An Original Screenplay by Marco Falcone

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Rainstorm – Script / Screenplay

A heart wrenching inter racial love story between a young white Australian girl and an Indian orphan.

The drama unfolds in Fiji in a Catholic Orphanage which is run on an austere, strictly religious basis by authoritarian nuns. The pupils are brainwashed into believing that the only way to redemption is to become a nun or priest. Hungry pupils rob the church of wine and communion wafers; some steal a few shillings from collection plates to satisfy their hunger and complement their meager food rations. Confessions to the priest are dispersed with lies in fear of reprisals and beatings from frustrated nuns.

Pupils are constantly reminded never to think about girls, as this will only lead them into temptation and committing the sins of the flesh. Regular checks of bed linens are made for signs of semen stains, and severe punishments are authorized should any stains be found. During evening showers boys are secretly watched by nuns, and if caught masturbating, they are severely beaten.

A tender love affair develops between Susan and Christopher, but it is forcefully ended by the nuns and Chris is forced to flee the orphanage, the only home he has ever known, to make a life for himself in the outside world. Susan is punished for kissing and helping Chris to escape. She is dragged into the wash house, pinned down on the floor by two nuns before soap is rubbed on her tongue by the head nun. Her beautiful blond hair is cropped and shaved by an old fashion razor.

In the meantime Chris is lured into the boxing ring to earn his fare to London fast to start a new life with Susan but that never happens, the nuns have planned a totally different life for Susan to keep her apart from Chris forever.

Unknown to Chris and after being brainwashed by the nuns, Susan is sent to Ireland to become a nun and return to Fiji, caring for the sick in Fiji’s leper colony of Makogai. On her journey to the colony she accidentally meets with her young lover Chris on the quayside during a terrible rainstorm. Her nun’s habit is covered by her long raincoat and a hood — Chris still has no idea that she is a nun. He is confused and upset when he learns of her decision to work with the lepers, being fully aware of the dangers she is exposing herself to. With mixed emotions, she is forced to choose between her love of God and the Indian boy and now must stand by her vows.

The rainstorm worsens and the voyage is cancelled. Susan is persuaded to go back to Chris’s hotel room until it is safe to sail. She enters his hotel room still dressed in the raincoat and hood. Chris demands an explanation as to why she did not keep in touch with him. Eventually she reveals her nun’s habit and Chris is devastated to find out the truth. Unable to change her mind, she leaves only to face a tragic end.

Chris eventually makes it to London alone and after earning enough cash he heads back to Fiji and the island of Mokagai to find Susan but discovers that after working with lepers for 16 years Susan had severely suffered by catching leprosy herself and has died a gruesome death. Chris is seen weeping on her grave.

Creative notes: This screenplay has been adapted from my book titled RETURNED TO DEVIL’S ISLAND. This the basic story that needs a professional screenwriter to tweak dialogue and enhance drama to suit. It is also a prizefighter’s first love lost and found and lost again and also his struggle to reach England, the mother country.

An award-winning Indian director/cinematographer and an English producer have short-listed the script to be filmed on location in either Fiji or Mauritius when funding is in place.


An Original Screenplay by Chris Nand

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Slow Hot Wind – Script / Screenplay

“Slow hot Wind” is a poignant feature about a man who gets an explosive look behind the curtain of dubious financing methods concerning Alberta’s oil sand exploitation. He has to choose between reality and illusion …

A bank writes off some 800 Million. VICTOR works for an international accounting firm in Germany. He suspects the losses to be a stock market fraud. This pulls him from his everyday routine into a thrilling clue hunt through Germany, France and then Canada. There he quickly takes up with his Canadian assistant LOUISE. He doesn’t notice that she is playing a double game: she also monitors him. To get his trust, she draws Victor into a close relationship. They both analyze their lives and dreams. As a consequence Victor begins to confuse his interest in the mission with his feelings for Louise. But after the murder of an involved trader, Louise decides to protect Victor. She travels with him to Fort McMurray. There she helps him to illuminate the relationship between an industry-conspired oil spill and the fraudulent stock market investments. However, there she disappears…

Big money, investigation, friendship, betrayal: an odyssey that leads from Europe to Canada and the US, and finally, to the key: Henry Mancini’s Music Score “Slow Hot Wind”.

“Slow Hot Wind”, a screenplay of 100 pages, talkative but gripping, atypically constructed: an ordinary man slips into a mission that he believes to control. But it’s nothing else than manipulation, sending him around from place to place, offering a thrilling inside view on how big money, politics and environmental issues may be linked. But this impacting and cutting-edge topic just serves to lead us to the deeper level of the story: Victor has to redefine the sense of his life.

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Le troisième frère (The Third Brother) Drehbuch

Le manteau de silence couvrant un secret de famille conduit au drame.

Charles découvre que son petit frère Ludo, disparu depuis 15 ans, habite en fait depuis un certain temps dans la maison du gardien de la propriété familiale au bord du lac d’Annecy. Charles enquête et comprend les véritables raisons de la « disparition » de Ludo. Le passé a rattrapé le présent et rend Charles incapable d’éviter le pire.

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La rayure (Scratched) Drehbuch

Claire turns off the engine and bends towards the glove box. She opens it and grasps a gun. She holds it in both hands and stares at it for a long while, before slipping it in her briefcase. She gets out the car and closes the door. Behind the windscreen we see her walking towards the high school.

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