
Rainstorm - Script / Screenplay

Rainstorm – Script / Screenplay

A heart wrenching inter racial love story between a young white Australian girl and an Indian orphan. The drama unfolds in Fiji in a Catholic Orphanage which is run on an austere, strictly religious basis...
HBO prepara una serie sobre el conflicto Vasco

HBO prépare une série sur le conflit Basque

HBO Espagne a confié l’adaptation du roman "Patria" de Fernando Aramburu au sénariste espagnol Aitor Gabilondo. Le projet de cette série vise à montrer les multiples conséquences de la lutte pour l'indépendance du Pays Basque...

“The Party” de Sally Potter – Notre Critique

"The Party": hypocrisie sur canapés Pitch: Janet (Kristin Scott Thomas) a toutes les raisons d’être heureuse. Elle vient d’être nommée ministre de la Santé (certes dans le « shadow cabinet » mais quand même !), elle a...
Clarity of deception - Script / Screenplay

Deceptive Clarity (Clarity of Deception Version 2) – Script / Screenplay

Bernard Drive, a hotshot lawyer is unaware the women who are being murdered with a large portion of flesh removed from the right side of their face links to his dark past he thought...

“Au revoir là-haut” d’Albert Dupontel – Critique

Albert Dupontel adapte au cinéma le roman primé au Goncourt de Pierre Lemaître France, 1919. Deux vétérans de la Grande Guerre inaptes à reprendre le cours de leur ancienne vie au sein de la société civile...
My 24th Year - Script / Screenplay

My 24th Year – Script / Screenplay

Four friends going through their whole trials and tribulations in modern day London. ‘You need friends here. Some Friendships go through anything. Some through hell, to the earth and last till heaven. Life like friendships...
A Furtive Response - Script / Screenplay

A Furtive Response – Script / Screenplay

A couple seperated by the loss of a child live a distant existence until a unifying secret is accidentally revealed. Short film, low budget, limited location with a small cast. A Furtive Response © An Original Screenplay by Anthony...

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