A Furtive Response – Script / Screenplay


A couple seperated by the loss of a child live a distant existence until a unifying secret is accidentally revealed.

Short film, low budget, limited location with a small cast.

A Furtive Response ©

An Original Screenplay by Anthony Cawood

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She Waits – Script / Screenplay

A war vet recovering from PTSD suffers a setback when his salvage ship goes down in the Bermuda Triangle and he’s the only survivor, but the worst is yet to come as the incident awakens the angry spirit of a love from his past life and no one believes him.

St. George, Bermuda 2012. While towing a broken down barge back from the Bermuda Triangle, PAUL KURTZ encounters a greenish colored fog on the water. A ghost ship suddenly emerges from the mist and suddenly he sees a beautiful woman (SAPHORA) standing on the deck of his ship. She extends her arms and rises into the air just as a ghost ship slams into his vessel. It causes his crew to become mummified and his own ship to turn into rust. Paul is knocked overboard. He sinks into the water and has his first ATLANTIS DREAM: we see feminine hands, caressing him… almost pulling at him into the ocean’s depths. Paul fights the hands off and swims for the surface. We cross-cut Paul being rescued by the Coast Guard as he tries to fight them off as well.

Paul wakes up in the hospital to his wife, a beautiful mulatto woman named CHRISTINA who was born and raised in Bermuda. Paul has a moment alone with the doctor, he inquires what the dreams he had under water may mean. The doctor tells him it was just the loss of oxygen under water. We learn from the conversation that Paul is a Gulf War veteran and he suffers from PTSD. Christina has a difficult time believing him because of a prior drinking problem. MIKE GROGAN is Chief of Police and he comes to the hospital to question Paul about the sinking of his tug boat. Paul explains to him about the mysterious green fog and the woman he saw on his tug boat just before a ghost ship appeared on the water.

Paul returns home from the hospital and that night he has a dream of a ship sinking during a typhoon. Paul is the captain of this ship and the dream only lasts for a few seconds. In his dream he is pulled deeper towards the ocean floor. His vision is clouded and murky…oil seeps through his ears and eyes. He is having sex with a woman underwater. They are both covered in black oil. Paul awakens from the dream drenched in sweat. He goes into the bathroom to wash his face and looks up to see Saphora in mirror standing behind him.

Paul goes to his insurance company the next morning to retrieve a check for the loss of his ship. When he rides away from the office on his motorcycle three Jamaicans attempt to car jack him. One of the thieves hit Paul in the face with a water balloon and they lead him on a wild chase into an alleyway. Paul confronts the men and the fight turns deadly just as a Rastafarian named KOFI JOHNSTON comes to his rescue. Kofi owns a bar called The Cellar and luckily for Paul the alley he is fighting in is just outside this establishment. Together, Paul and his soon-to-be-friend fight the Jamaican gang members. Kofi gives Paul one of his business cards and he invites him to come back to the bar with Christina as his guests.

Paul leaves Kofi and goes to a bridal shop that Christina owns for lunch. Christina is busy sewing a wedding gown when Paul comes in and surprises her. She notices Paul’s injuries and he explains to her what happened. Christina verbally admonishes Paul for fighting and implores him to stay out of trouble. Christina tells Paul they need to have a talk and she asks him if he really saw a woman in the bathroom like he alleges. Paul tells her that he did and it was the woman from his ship.

Paul and Christina pick up their son, JOSEPH for his birthday party at the beach. They have cake, fly kites and go swimming in the surf for fun. Later that evening, there is a disturbance along the beach. Paul goes to investigate the commotion and sees that the mummified body of one of his crewmen has washed up on shore. Paul also finds a gold ingot in the water. He reaches down to pick it up and sees Saphora’s face smiling back at him. Saphora’s hands reach up and grab his hands, pulling the wedding ring from his finger.

Paul attends a wake for his dead crew members and later the funeral for his First Mate, FRED MESSNIER who was also his best friend. Paul sees a woman (Saphora) dressed in white watching him from the tombstones. Paul goes after the apparition and when he catches her he finds out it’s not Saphora. It was just a female mourner. Paul literally runs into the Chief of Police, Mike Grogan, who is also a friend of the family. Mike asks Paul what’s wrong and Paul refuses to tell him. Mike confides in Paul that Christina is worried about him and the visions he keeps having of a woman from his ship. Mike tells Paul that he found the wreck of his tug boat and he had the metal and silver ingot tested. According to a carbon dating report he received of the metal from the tug and silver ingot they were both over nine-thousand years old! Paul tells Mike that the dreams of a ship sinking and the woman he saw in his bathroom are real and he feels like it’s some kind of “deja vu”.

Paul returns home and encounters Saphora again while he is taking a shower. He is having sex with a woman whom he believes is his wife, Christina but it turns out to be the ghostly apparition of the woman from his past. Christina comes home and finds Paul sitting naked in his kitchen. Christina demands an explanation and Paul tells her that he saw the “woman” again in the shower. Christina doesn’t believe Paul and accuses him of having an affair and hitting-the-bottle again because of his behavior and a beer can found on the table. Christina wonders if Paul has been drinking again. Meanwhile, Paul continues to dream – his waking life and his dreaming life blend together. Suddenly the telephone rings. Paul answers and he finds that Mike Grogan is calling him from the Sargasso Sea. Mike tells Paul that he found the wreck of his tug boat and the metal was oxidized and corroded like it had been at the bottom of the ocean for thousands of years. Mike also tells Paul that a coroners report stated that mummified remains of his friend, Fred Messnier indicated that he should have died over nine-thousand years ago. Paul confides in Mike again about his feelings about the woman on the ship and that he believes she is haunting him from a past life. Mike refers Paul to a psychologist that specializes in dream therapy and past like regression. Suddenly a greenish colored fog appears on the water and Mike sees the ghost ship that sank Paul’s vessel. The specter overtakes Mike’s motor boat and it turns everyone onboard into dust.

Paul and Christina decided to have a date night at Kofi’s bar. They meet Kofi in the V.I.P. section of the club along with two friends from Tokyo. Kofi offers them all champagne and Paul refuses which makes Christina extremely proud. Later that night, while on the dance floor a patron spills water on Paul’s shirt. Suddenly, Paul has another vision in which everyone appears to be dancing under water. Paul flees to the parking lot and goes into a trance. Christina follows Paul outside as he becomes the alter ego of a Greek sailor named BRASSIUS. As Brassius, Paul berates Christina and denies knowing her or that he is even married to her. In desperation, Paul steals a car and drives away with it. Christina and Kofi search for Paul all night long. The next morning Paul is arrested for loitering around the dockyards. The officers find Kofi’s business card in Paul’s shirt and phone him. Kofi and Christina drive to the station to bail Paul out of jail. They take Paul home and he tries to explain his actions at the club and his reasons for running away. Paul goes to the bedroom and brings back an old sketchpad that belonged to Christina. Paul asks Christina to look through it and she finds sketches of Saphora and an ancient, wooden ship with three sails and oars. Paul explains that he was the captain of this ship and it sank during a typhoon. Suddenly the telephone rings and Paul receives a call from DIANNE WILSON, who states that she is a licensed hypno-therapist. According to the therapist she was referred to him by Mike Grogan. She asks Paul to come in to her office for past life regression therapy.

Paul drives to Dianne Wilson’s office along with Christina and Kofi. Dianne Wilson uses hypnosis to put Paul under and during the session it’s revealed that in a past life Paul was named Brassius and he was the captain of a Greek merchant ship taking a consignment of valuable silver and gold ingots, perfumes and resins to a colony in the Aegean Islands. During the voyage the ship encountered a greenish colored fog that sent it off course to the island of Atlantis. While exploring the island, they met the ruler, Xercon and his beautiful wife, Saphora. Saphora is a “healer” that can use Fire-Crystals to heal broken bones and other mortal injuries. It is also revealed that Brassius and Saphora became lovers and they plotted to run away together back to Greece. Somehow, Xercon found out and he was going to have them killed. Brassius’ men rescue them and they make it back to the ship. A typhoon develops on the sea and it sinks the ship – killing Brassius, Saphora and his men.

After the session, Dianne Wilson explains to Christina that Paul is the reincarnation of a Greek sailor and Saphora is trying to make contact with him from a past life. Christina is irate and claims that Dianne Wilson’s findings are nothing but bullshit. Paul states that he feels Saphora is not dead and that her spirit is reaching out to him from beyond the grave. Dianne Wilson assures Christina that Paul’s dreams are real and that Saphora is using “water” as a “conduit” to get to him and this makes it possible for her to get to anyone whenever she wants too. Paul asks Dianne Wilson how he can protect his family from Saphora and she explains that by limiting their contact with water this may be the only way to stop her.

Paul spends the next two days trying to “Saphora-proof” their house: he shuts off the water inside and outside the house. Christina thinks that all of Paul’s efforts are a waste of time and she goes to work leaving him deal with the situation on his own.

Creative notes: This is the second draft of this particular version of my screenplay.

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She Waits ©

An Original Screenplay by Robert Grubbs


Dernières Nouvelles des Étoiles – Script / Screenplay / Scénario

“Rêver, c’est le suicide que se permettent les gens bien élevés”
Karen Blixen. Sept contes gothiques. Nouvelles.

Le soleil d’automne projette ses nuances dorées sur les façades de pierre du village. Nous sommes à Valgorge ; la place de ce petit bourg de l’Ardèche est jonchée de feuilles. Un chien couché sur les marches de l’église, indifférent aux mouches qui tournent autour de son museau, regarde passer Suzanne. Cette femme blonde qui traverse la place d’un pas alerte doit avoir une quarantaine d’années. Pour certaines habitantes du village, Suzanne c’est “la barjotte du Col de la Baume, celle qui parle aux extraterrestres… Il parait même que son coquin a quinze ans de moins qu’elle !…” son “coquin” s’appelle Zacharie Strob.

Paris. Lydie Mézière est une jeune femme énergique d’une vingtaine d’années au physique androgyne. Grande, mince, rousse aux cheveux courts, elle vient d’être engagée officiellement comme attachée de presse aux éditions Maxime Ortel. Elle doit s’occuper de la sortie prochaine d’un recueil de nouvelles signé Zacharie Strob. Lydie a un directeur, Julien Beaumont qui ne la tient pas en haute considération. Il la dissuade de descendre en Ardèche pour tenter d’organiser une interview arguant du fait que Zacharie Strob refuse depuis trois ans toute rencontre avec des journalistes… et que sa compagne Suzanne n’est guère coopérative non plus.
En fait, Julien Beaumont ignore tout de la mission de confiance que Maxime Ortel, le patron des éditions, vient de confier en secret à Lydie qui en réalité est psychologue d’entreprise : aller à Valgorge s’assurer de la “santé” de Suzanne, la compagne de Zacharie. Pour quelles raisons ? Eux seuls le savent.

Lydie descend à Valgorge avec comme prétexte, la remise des épreuves corrigées avant publication et un projet de conférence de presse pour le lancement du livre. Après avec insisté, Lydie obtient un rendez-vous qu’avec Suzanne. Cette première rencontre dans l’ancienne ferme isolée près des gorges de la Baume est un échec, malgré l’attitude de Lydie pour sympathiser avec Suzanne. Mais Lydie ne renonce pas. Elle s’installe à l’hôtel et décide de rester à Valgorge le temps de trouver un moment plus propice à une nouvelle rencontre.

“Zacharie Strob évite depuis trois ans toute rencontre avec des journalistes”… Et pour cause : le soir même nous découvrons Suzanne assise toute seule devant une sorte de tombe, faite de pierres séchées, aménagée dans un coin du terrain de la ferme. Elle parle à haute voix de sa rencontre avec Lydie ; ce monologue s’adresse à Zacharie ! Nous comprenons que Suzanne refuse le décès de son amant en continuant de faire vivre à sa manière et à l’insu de tous, le mythe de l’auteur Zacharie Strob.

Deux jours plus tard, profitant de la venue de Suzanne au marché de Valgorge et grâce à la complicité d’un enfant du village qui lui sert de petit messager, Lydie obtient un nouveau rendez-vous.
Zacharie étant officiellement absent, Lydie réussit à convaincre Suzanne de répondre à sa place aux questions qui doivent lui servir pour son dossier de presse. Petit à petit la confiance s’installe entre les deux femmes et Suzanne se prête au jeu… jusqu’à la question :“Qu’avez-vous fait entre la sortie de votre dernier roman, il y a un peu plus de trois ans, et ce recueil de nouvelles ?”
– “J’ai beaucoup voyagé.” -“Et qu’elle était votre dernière destination ?” – Suzanne troublée répond : “Les étoiles”. Après cette dernière réplique, Suzanne garde le silence. Lydie qui tente de renouer le dialogue est congédiée et retourne à son hôtel.

Le comportement ambigu de Lydie nous indique qu’elle est au courant de cette imposture qui visiblement met en péril l’équilibre mental de Suzanne qui flirte avec la schizophrénie. La visite impromptue de Lydie le soir même dans l’ancienne ferme nous donne la réponse ; Lydie surprend Suzanne parlant à Zacharie devant sa tombe improvisée … Suzanne est furieuse, Lydie tente de la raisonner et de la calmer. Mais se sentant découverte et trahie, Suzanne entre dans la maison, saisit un pistolet automatique et tente de mettre fin à ses jours. Lydie doit utiliser la force pour empêcher le drame… Suzanne est légèrement blessée dans la bagarre.
À la suite de cet épisode violent une amitié de circonstance se noue entre les deux femmes. Malgré leurs différences d’âge, et de milieu social, elles s’apprivoisent le temps d’un week-end. Lydie remet en route la M.G.A qu’affectionnait Zacharie pour emmener Suzanne en balade sur les routes de l’Ardèche…
Cette cohabitation permet à Lydie de découvrir la véritable personnalité de Suzanne : chercheur au C.N.R.S, auteur d’ouvrages sur l’astronomie, c’est une femme brûlée par la passion qui vit dans le souvenir et le rêve…… Et qui lui avoue avoir toujours écrit les bouquins signés par Zacharie Strob ! Et qui depuis son décès se sert pour cette supercherie d’un échantillonneur de sons ; une machine qui lui permet de transformer sa voix au téléphone.

Suzanne accepte avec une certaine méfiance, l’aide et le soutien de cette jeune femme pleine de ressources qui ne lui a pas caché son homosexualité. Et bien que Suzanne refuse toujours d’aborder le sujet, la lecture* par Lydie de l’une des nouvelles intitulée “Amer Baba” semble évoquer la personnalité fantasque de son jeune amant ainsi que sa disparition en Afrique du Sud… (* Pour éclairer le spectateur sur la personnalité de certains de mes personnages, j’utilise le système de la mise en abime ; Je tourne tel des court-métrages en noir et blanc certaines des nouvelles signées Zacharie Strob.)

Lydie rentre à Paris pour rendre compte à Maxime Ortel de la situation et éclaircir avec lui certains points. Au cours de leur discussion dans les locaux des Editions Ortel, nous apprenons que sept ans plutôt Suzanne vivait à Paris avec Maxime Ortel. Elle le quitte pour Zacharie, jeune sculpteur, rencontré en vacances à Biarritz. Quelques mois plus tard, Suzanne connue pour écrire des ouvrages sur l’astronomie, cherche un pseudonyme pour ne pas mélanger les genres entre ses bouquins scientifiques et le premier roman qu’elle vient d’écrire. Ortel à une idée machiavélique : il lui suggère de faire signer ce roman par Zacharie ; “ça lui donnera un statut social, des revenus et ça l’occupera…” Grâce à ce gros mensonge, il “tient” Suzanne et s’assure en cas de succès de la garder sous contrat, elle et son amant.
Avec le succès du premier roman Ortel n’a pas de mal à les encourager dans l’imposture; ça flatte Zacharie de jouer le jeune écrivain à la mode et ça amuse Suzanne d’écrire à sa place… Après la mort de Zacharie, dans des circonstances qui restent floues, Ortel profite de son désarroi pour qu’elle continue seule cette supercherie qui rapporte de gros tirages. Jusqu’au jour où il constate que cette situation devient malsaine pour Suzanne et appelle Lydie à la rescousse.

Lydie qui connaît maintenant tous des liens entre Ortel, Zacharie et Suzanne cherche une solution qui permettrait d’éviter le scandale. Un scandale littéraire comparable à ceux d’Elisa Rhaïs ou Emile Ajar et qui risquerait de détruire Suzanne.
Après son entretien tendu avec Ortel, Lydie rentre chez elle dans son appartement Parisien où l’attend Océane sa compagne. Les retrouvailles sont houleuses. Océane qui supporte mal la réussite professionnelle de Lydie, lui reproche son absence de plusieurs jours et sa supposée liaison avec Suzanne. Le ton monte ; Océane après l’avoir frappée et violentée, la quitte.
Le lendemain Lydie se rend à une réunion pour présenter aux responsables des Editions Ortel un projet de conférence de presse. Elle annonce que Zacharie répondra en direct de Valgorge aux journalistes réunis à Paris, via Internet. La nouvelle fait sensation. Lydie profite aussi de cette occasion pour annoncer à la fin de la réunion, sa démission à son directeur Julien Beaumont, “pour raisons personnelles”.
En fait Lydie rejoint Suzanne à Valgorge. Elle a trouvé la solution éviter à Suzanne les conséquences de sa supercherie … Après avoir mutuellement compati sur leurs déboires sentimentaux, les deux femmes se mettent au travail pour préparer la conférence de presse de Zacharie Strob alias Omar Baba… En effet, quelques jours plus tard dans un grand hôtel parisien, c’est sous le déguisement hindou d’Omar Baba, le héros de la nouvelle intitulée “Amer Baba”, que Lydie se présente sur les écrans…. Au fil de son intervention, nous comprenons que Lydie a pris en charge l’imposture. Ortel semble soulagé du déroulement de l’opération à une nuance près ; la déclaration finale “d’Omar Baba”, alias Zacharie Strob, alias Lydie Mézière qui dévoile à la presse que c’est elle qui a toujours écrit sous l’identité de Zacharie Strob et que son prochain roman raconterait “l’histoire d’amour d’une femme pour un homme décédé, qu’elle tente de faire revivre grâce à la complicité d’une autre femme…” Ortel manque de s’étouffer et fuit pour échapper aux questions des journalistes…

Quelques semaines plus tard, un Cessna 172 R se pose à quelques kilomètres du Kwazulu Lodge, en Afrique du Sud. Deux femmes descendent du petit avion. Suzanne est revenue accompagnée de Lydie sur les lieux où Zacharie est mort trois ans plus tôt… “ Le fameux soir, la direction de l’hôtel avait organisé une soirée costumée, Zacharie s’était déguisé en Maharadjah. Dès le début de la soirée, il a cherché à conclure avec la grande blonde, Sonia… Vers trois heures du matin, on est venu me réveille ; rupture d’anévrisme ; au lit avec la fille / ”. Ce retour en Afrique du Sud permet à Suzanne d’exorciser l’image d’un homme qu’elle a follement aimé au point de se masquer, pendant des années, la réalité ; d’après le jugement de Lydie, Zacharie avait tout du gigolo. C’est au sommet du Pilanesberg Rock, sur ce rocher magique qui domine le Bush que Suzanne, qui a retrouvé une certaine sérénité, confirme ses liens d’amitié avec Lydie… Lydie qui elle ne désespère pas de prendre un jour la place de Zacharie dans le coeur de Suzanne. FIN.

Creative notes: Pour éclairer révéler la personnalité de certains de mes personnages, j’utilise le système de la mise en abime : La fonction des deux Nouvelles qui seront tournées en noir et blanc est de nous permettre de découvrir, entre autres, qui était Zacharie… En effet les personnages de fiction des deux Nouvelles mises en images seront interprétés par les mêmes comédiens protagonistes de mon récit.

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Dernières Nouvelles des Étoiles ©

An Original Screenplay by Christophe Tourrette


High School Redemption – Script / Screenplay

In exchange for a devastating sacrifice, an abusive alcoholic (killing his wife in a drunk-driving accident) receives a divine offer to relive his high school days in order to bring her back.

At West Point High, Daniel is looked upon as somewhat of a golden boy. He’s captain of the football team, he has the chiseled good looks, the car and of course, the girl. Her name is Nicole and she’s every bit as pretty as he is handsome.

Daniel and Nicole, dressed to the nines, arrive at school for their senior prom, where they are welcomed by the rest of the gang in the cool-kid set, secret handshakes and all.

Later, Daniel catches a glimpse of what can only be described as an apparition of a man dressed all in white, briefly staring at him and then appearing to walk through a wall.Is this an omen that this night of dancing and celebration may or may not end well? Perhaps, but Daniel assumes his eyes are playing tricks on him and shakes it off.

After a troubling encounter with his old girlfriend, Amber, Daniel steps outside to get some air. When he returns to the gym, he finds Nicole dancing with one of the definitely not so cool kids, Timmy, the result of a DJ dance contest. Daniel goes ballistic and all but drags Nicole out the door and into the parking lot. Seems our boy doesn’t know the difference between loving someone and owning them.

In the parking lot, Daniel’s best friend, John, tells him that if he doesn’t watch it, he’s going to lose the best thing that has ever happened to him, meaning Nicole. Daniel doesn’t want to hear it. He rejects John’s advice and his friendship in no uncertain terms.

We jump forward in time to their 20-year class reunion where John and his wife, April, wonder aloud if Daniel and Nicole will even show up, given that they haven’t heard a word from them for all these years. When Daniel and Nicole finally do show up, not much has changed. Nicole’s still beautiful. Daniel’s still handsome and he still has an attitude that won’t quit. When they get a moment alone, Nicole explains to April that Daniel keeps her somewhat isolated from the outside world, but she can’t leave him. In spite of everything, she still loves him.

Timmy shows up, and as luck would have it, the unpopular nerd kid is now the class millionaire. But even so, Daniel won’t give him the time of day.

Daniel tells Nicole he’s ready to leave. It’s obvious to everyone that Daniel has had too much to drink and has no business driving, but there’s that attitude thing again! Daniel refuses to listen to reason, and they drive off.

Daniel pays a heavy price for his arrogance. His drunkenness leads to a serious accident and he wakes up the next morning in a hospital bed. A police detective informs him that Nicole and the four occupants of the other vehicle died in the accident. John’s words have proved to be prophetic. Not only has Daniel lost what he held dearest, his wife, but he’s about to be charged with felony DUI and manslaughter!

Through a twist of fate, Daniel’s prayers are answered in the form of a man dressed all in white, with an almost supernatural glow around him. It’s Gabe, the being he caught a glimpse of 20 years earlier at the prom.

Daniel gets a 2nd chance, beginning with a redo of his first meeting with Nicole. It’s a trial, not a free ride. However, Daniel does change, avoiding the tragedy that had taken Nicole’s life.

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High School Redemption ©

An Original Screenplay by Stephanie Sharp

Script has been professionally critiqued and rewritten to ensure that it meets proper industry standards. It has also obtained excellent feedback from notable people in the industry. An official ‘Best Scene Table Read’ of the infamous ‘drunk-driving scene’ has been provided via professional actors.

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Texas Roundup – Script / Screenplay

A young Texan prosecutor hires a sheriff from the past to fix a problem for the future…

EXCERPT: Sheriff (35, rough looking ) goes straight to the near by Saloon. He knows he can find help for his bounty hunting trip to the future. The saloon is full of outlaws and other scum bags, you can imagine. The sheriff heads for inside and as soon as he opens the door all the faces look at him and the noise stops, in seconds. The guys have lots respect and reputation he is not tolerate any fucking shit from anybody in his little town. SHERIFF: “We gotta job to do!I got four fugitive dead or live for five thousand a piece. I need four groups ten or twelve bounty hunters. Who’s with me?!

Texas Roundup ©

An Original Screenplay by Milan Antal

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Dreams and reality – Script / Screenplay

A modest woman suffers from the nightmares, where an armed man forces her to change image and rob a bank.

Lisa a kind, shy woman and is a single mother with a daughter live in difficult conditions. Lisa doesn’t have enough money, so she takes on any job. She has a dream where John, a dangerous man, offers her to rob a bank but she is far from any violence. Before the robbery, he demands that Lisa should go to the hairdresser, where her appearance is changed to that of a criminal woman. In reality she and her mom go to a fortune teller, meets a potential suitor at a coffee shop, which appears as the director of the bank in her dream. Lisa robs the bank, becomes the owner of 10 million dollars, but, as it turns out, it was just a dream.

Creative notes: “DREAMS AND REALITY” (64 pages) is a very original script on the theme of women’s emancipation.


An Original Screenplay by Jacob Greenberg

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Hello, Mr. Einstein – Script / Screenplay

There is a zone that we all fighting do not get in.

Hello, Mr. Einstein ©

An Original Screenplay by Helio J Cordeiro

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My 24th Year – Script / Screenplay

Four friends going through their whole trials and tribulations in modern day London.

‘You need friends here. Some Friendships go through anything. Some through hell, to the earth and last till heaven. Life like friendships can be the most troublesome, but is pure. Maybe the most purist thing. Your friends, the ones that care’

This is a story about four friends who are all an encountering pivotal paths in their lives. Paths that will change their lives forever.

JASON (black, 24) is the lead character, the heart of the movie. A young man with ambition, but with no progress in his professional and personal life so far. He’s emotionally scarred by episodes of the past and his confidence at an all time low, it’s probably the wrong time for a girl to come into his life. If he decides to let her in is the question…

KAL (Asian, 24) is the happy go lucky person of the group. He loves women, he chats up woman and sees them as a conquer. He also plans to live out his dreams, but his dreams have a price that may cost him dearly in the future…

DANIEL (White, 24) is the only one of the four that is in a relationship with his girlfriend Diane. He adores Diane, worships her and cares about her to the point where she truly is part of him. That’s the problem. He loves her too much, to the point where the pain by being in love, giving yourself in relationship is that more painful and much more fatal…

JOBY (black, 24) is the psycho of the group (come one every group needs a psycho to make it interesting) Joby is a angry individual, a ticking time bomb who’s fury is going to get him into trouble. You see he knows what he is and what he’s capable of, but will that realization come far too late…

My 24th year is a story of friendship, the powerful component of friendship, which is closeness, the memories and the emotional part of having friends who are as much as part of you as you are part of them. A part that lasts forever…

My 24th Year ©

An Original Screenplay by TJ Hall

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Man, Woman, and Wild – Script / Screenplay

What was supposed to be a simple mission for a dolphin trying to get his pod to South Africa in time for the Annual Sardine Run, turns into a recovery mission, when one of his females gets kidnapped by a rival pod of dolphins.

Creative notes: This story is based on an episode from the Blue Planet Series, so you’re going to get to see some of the same characters you got to see in Finding Nemo, but this story is no Finding Nemo.

Man, Woman, and Wild ©

An Original Screenplay by Roberto Negron

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Boostyourfilm Selection